Today I Learned
This is a collection of short articles about things I've learned. They are too short for my Blog
I stole this idea from jbranchaud/til
I stumble across one of the easiest ways of deploying ML models online so anyone can use it
You can use the Opengraph API of Github to get always up to date preview of any repository
During the past days I've tried different models locally and it turns out that it was easier than I expected!
How to automate birthday email reminders using Google Calendar and Apps Script by leveraging Google Contacts to create a birthday calendar and setting up a script to send notifications on each birthday.
Thanks to the latest feature of Notebook LLM, you can create a 10 minutes podcast of any of your documents that are engaging to listen to.
Boosting video recording setup using NVIDIA's app to save on hardware expenses.
I explained how you can easily convert your notebooks into well animated presentations powered by Reveal.js
Enhance your Markdown with LaTeX math thanks to remark-math project
I found JupyterLite for embedding Python code in websites, enabling easy sharing and local execution.
Git-open is a CLI tool I use that opens the current project's repository in my browser with a simple command
An open source project to quickly share content directly from the browser
- Today I learned about TIL 18 Jun
I introduce TIL, a micro-blogging format to share concise, specific knowledge in under 200 words for simplicity and quick content creation.